With a long and rich history stretching back to before the Persian Empire, Iran, an Islamic Republic since the 1979 revolution, has largely been cut off from the west and to travellers. Despite the economic and political challenges the country faces, Iran has begun to open up and is now considered to be one of THE intrepid destinations. 

It’s not hard to understand why either, Iran boast magnificent desolate deserts, snow-capped mountains, lush forests along the Caspian Sea coast and fertile agricultural plains, plus a rich collection of ancient cultures and religious history. Don’t miss the distinctly Persian turquoise-tiled domes and minarets of Esfahan’s Naqsh-e Jahan Square, the timeless ancient capital of Persepolis, the mud-brick old town and Windcatchers of Yazd, the Caspian Sea coast of Ramsar or the opportunity to see the alpine environment of Mt Damavand or Mt Samamous.

Intrepid independent travel in Iran is affordable and through the friendly ‘western facing’ young people you’ll likely meet, you’ll soon realize it’s not as scary as the media makes it out to be. In fact Iran will surprise you and therefore likely make it the most rewarding destinations you’ll ever visit!

Crossing the Iranian Border to the Middle Eastern Town of Yazd

For over 2,500 years Persia (modern day Iran) has been home to various Empires, including some of history’s greatest, that was until January 1979 when the ‘Glorious Islamic Revolution’... Read more >>

Shiraz and the Timeless Persepolis

If you are travelling around Iran, no doubt with Esfahan somewhere on your itinerary (at some point) then make use of Iran’s ultra modern line of intercity buses and travel the 6 hours to... Read more >>

Iran’s Must See City – The Eternal Esfahan

No trip to Iran is complete without venturing to Esfahan; Iran’s most scenic city.  The central city is awash with beautifully maintained parks delightful hand-painted tiling and a magnificent... Read more >>

Tehran, Ramsar and Climbing Iran's Mt Samamous

During my journey across Iran I would visit the cities of the Northern Region and make friends along the way. Travelling up from Esfahan by comfortable local bus we pulled into Tehran... Read more >>

Final Thoughts on Iran, Tips and Experiences

After intrepidly exploring Iran for 3 weeks, I was down to my final 3 days which I would spend in Tabriz enroute to the land border with Turkey. I would get fascinated by bread while in ... Read more >>